博士課程の鲍 華睿さんの論文がViruses誌にアクセプトされました。
論文名 : Alteration of Gene Expression After Entecavir and Pegylated Interferon Therapy in HBV-Infected Chimeric Mouse Liver
コメント : This report compared the gene expression profiles in human hepatocytes from HBV-infected mice before and after antiviral therapy. Several genes associated with cell growth or carcinogenesis through hypoxia and KRAS signaling were significantly regulated by antiviral therapy, indicated that antiviral therapy could suppress hepato-carcinogenesis. I consider that intra-hepatic gene expression analyses using HBV infected mouse livers is useful for clarifying not only antiviral effects, but also the effects on hepato-carcinogenesis by inhibiting HBV DNA replication.